Student Media
SFHS Today
SFHS Today is a student-run weekly broadcast that shares national, local, and school news, as well as features school sports updates.
The newest SFHS Today broadcast: March 4, 2025.
The Crier
The Crier is a student run news blog featuring a vast variety of content.

Open forum for Student Expression
The Crier is an open forum for student expression. The student editorial board makes content decisions for the newspaper. Opinion stories represent the opinion of the by-lined author. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the staff, faculty, administration, school board or student body of St. Francis ISD 15. No material opinion or otherwise will be printed which is libelous, irresponsible or advocates illegal activity. The newspaper attempts to inform and entertain its audience in a broad, fair and accurate manner on all subjects that affect readers.
Letters to the Editor Policy
Letters to the editor are accepted from everyone. Letters received may be edited for typographical errors or length. All letters must meet the laws and standards regarding libel, defamation, obscenity, incitement and copyright rules. All letter become the property of The Crier. No unsigned letters will be published. The Crier will verify authorship of all letters. In case of multiple signatures, only the first three will be printed.
Letters can be dropped off at the Main Office, Attention: The Crier can be e-mailed to or can be mailed to The Crier, SFHS, 3325 Bridge Street, St. Francis MN, 55070
Advertising Policy
The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. The Crier does not accept advertising that promotes products that are illegal to the majority of its readership.
Student Media Advisor: Glenn Morehouse Olson
Crier Email:
Crier Website
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